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New Customer Announcement
Turkcell Akademi
In This Issue
What's New in Cinema8
What's New in Wowslides
What's New in Akademi.net
Encyclopedia of Turkey: Ansiklodedi
Encyclopedia of Turkey: Ansiklodedi
Developed in collaboration with BTK (Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu) and Gobito, the Ansiklodedi is an internet encyclopedia developed entirely by its users. You can navigate between titles using the search bar.
If you wish, you can sign in to create new topics or contribute to the content.
Visit Ansiklodedi
What's New in Cinema8
New Feature
This month Cinema8 is full of new features.
New Cinema8 Domain
The Cinema8 editor that previously could be accessed via “ivideo.streamx.io”, it is now available via “studio.cinema8.com”.
So, if you used embed code of a project anywhere, make sure to update the link with the new domain code.
Referrer URL
Now it’s possible to see where your audience come from, on your projects reports it’s available the visualization of which link people watching your interactive video.
Rewind-Forward Button
You will now be able to play the video forward or backward for 5 seconds according to the button you clicked. You can also leave only the rewind feature on for the viewer by turning off the fast forward button.
User Management
Now the admin account will be able to restrict the authorization of users created. Previously created downstream users will be able to access all features, but will now be able to enter only the fields allowed for them.
Execute Callback Function
You can use this data as you wish by sending the audience interaction data to your own system with the help of APIs.
Context/User Interactions
With Analytics feature before, we've provided interaction reports for all the tools you've already added to your video. You can now use the interaction data of a tool that you use in the video - whether it's a video-visual display or the answer to a question - you can use the interaction data yourself.
What's New in Wowslides
Recommended WowBlog for You
5 Tips to Successful Presentations
Take a look on these 5 tips to presentations and guarantee a successful presentation. Check on the complete article on our WowBlog.
Keep Reading...
The Most Popular Wow-Presentation of Last Month
What is Fermentation?
Learn about fermentation, the existent types and its importation.
Best Movies In the World
Learn more about the best movies in the world with this presentation.
History of The Sun
Learn some concepts about the Sun.
The Most Downloaded Wow-Template of Last Month
Minimal Infographic Design- 21
Check on our minimal infographic design and give a great look to your designs.
What's New in Akademi.net
New Features
Training assignment based on position level
Now it’s possible to any organization to assign trainings to employees based on the position level. After submitting the position level information of the users with the service, you can assign training automatically according to the seniority date and position level in Akademi.net .
Recommended Courses for You
Microsoft Excel 2016
This course covers from basic to advanced skills of the latest version of the most popular spreadsheet application.
Go Course Detail
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